Thursday, September 24, 2015

Farewell, Summer.

Want your life to change forever, in a good way? Work at a summer camp with amazing people.
My summer at camp ended not with a fizzle--but with a bang.

A bang into a rock, that is.

I was rappelling while working at UCYC and fell backwards over a cliff. It's a stupid little thing, and I only broke my knee. After I fell backwards, my equipment caught me, swinging me into the rock.
Mama Rachel fed me jello in the hospital.
That was about two months ago, and I'm all better now. I'm almost done with physical therapy, and I spent a solid month sitting around watching Netflix (I'm almost done with Breaking Bad) and walking around with crutches (Yeah! Arm muscles!)

In turn, I did not get to go on the mission trip to Ecuador, which is a bummer because I raised nearly all the funds I needed to raise. I will, however, be going on another mission trip to Ecuador or to the Dominican Republic later this year. I also didn't get to go to Texas to help Hannah move back or to see Natalie.

Another bummer that came with breaking my knee is that our family road trip had to be reduced from three weeks to only two weeks, meaning I only made it as far north as Portland, as the Industrial Commission only allows you out of the state for two weeks at a time when you're on Workers' Compensation.

I met so many encouraging people this summer, it's amazing.
But the road trip--that's another story for another post, which will be coming soon! For now, the summer (as great as it was) is now over.

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