I have been really busy with school lately, and haven't really had time to go on any super crazy adventures, but here is what I have done as of late:
A trip to George's to clean in late December
I regret to inform you that this trip was definitely my least favorite trip I have ever taken. It was during my Christmas break, and the entire three days spent at George's with my dad and Daniel were spent cleaning the house from top to bottom. I never really considered George's Ranch to be a particularly dirty place (I prefer the term "rustic"), but from all the mop water, vacuum water, dust cloths, and disinfecting wipes we went through, dirty is the only word that can describe how that house was before we cleaned it.
Thankfully, we were able to take a short break on one of the days and go for a nice drive, where my dad and Daniel were able to go look for nifty rocks, and where I was able to play with the new Nikon my dad and I got for Christmas.
The rest of the weekend was regretfully spent cleaning. And watching movies. And making food.
As usual.

I don't know if you have ever heard of The Color Run, but it is basically 5 kilometers of colorful running/jogging/skipping/dancing/walking madness.
You start the run wearing all white, and at every kilometer mark, there is a crew of volunteers with cups full of dyed corn starch waiting to be thrown at you.
Of course, the day of The Color Run in Phoenix, it rained. Hard, cold, wet rain. However, we (me, Becca, Marissa and Becky) decided that we were not going to be sissy wimps and not go, or even be sissy wimps and bring jackets. No. We embraced the cold with goose bumps and shivers, and ran/jogged/walked the whole 5k in sub-comfortable temperatures.
And we hit up the dance party afterwards.
That's all that's really happened as of late, at least in the exciting-adventure realm. Daniel gave me a voucher good for one horseback ride in Wickenburg this spring, so that is most likely my next scheduled adventure. Stay classy, ladies and gents!